Youthnet NEWS 006 7/14/94 Alexis Leynes N9KYJ E-mail: BBS: N9KYJ@W9ZMR.IL.USA.NOAM Topics: CQ Video wins Cindy Award Feedback: Field Day Aftermath Final Note CQ Video Wins CINDY Award [Hicksville, NY] -- Ham Radio Horizons, the CQ video introduction to amateur radio, has been awarded a bronze medal in the Association of Visual Communicators' 1994 CINDY awards competition. The CINDY awards honor outstanding productions in all fields of non-theatrical video programming , including radio, television, cable and non-broadcast categories. Ham Radio Horizons won in the "public service & information" category. The Association of Visual Communicators is a non-profit professional association formed in 1957. This was the 35th annual CINDY competition. ("CINDY" is derived from the award's original name, the CINema industry award.) Ham Radio Horizons is part of the CQ Video Library, which offers introductory programs on a wide variety of amateur radio activities. It is a basic introduction to the hobby, focusing on the people and activities of ham radio. It was also honored earlier this year as a finalist in the New York Festivals competition and received Honorable Mention in the International Television Association's New Jersey Awards competition. Ham Radio Horizons was written, produced and directed by Rich Moseson, NW2L, who is also Executive Producer of the CQ Video Library, a division of CQ Communications, Inc., publishers of a variety of radio-related books and magazines, including its flagship, CQ Magazine, Popular Communications and Communications Quarterly. Richard Ross, K2MGA, is President and Publisher. I'm one of the lucky persons able to watch this video. I would recommend it to anyone to use this video if they are to teach an introduction ham radio class. Guest appearances on this video are, Carole Perry WB2MGP, a teacher in New York who uses ham radio in her classroom, Sam Garret, AA0CR, columnist for Worldradio magazine; former Sen. Barry Goldwater, K7UGA; King Hussein of Jorden, JY1, and many more. This video has helpful hints on what to do before and after one becomes licensed. Also, it gives the average person of an idea of who they will bump into on the air waves. Their are other topics of this video which is geared toward the young, YL's, Handi-Hams, the retired and much much more. Most importantly, this video shows phone numbers and addresses of various ham radio organizations to contact for more information. The 1994 CINDY Awards were presented in June at the INFOCOMM trade show in Los Angeles. Special Thanks to Rich Moseson NW2L. Feedback: Field day Aftermath From:KB7ZJZ@KB7WE.#WWA.WA.USA.NOAM Hello, Alex. I just read your Youthnet NEWS 005, and was happy to find it. Pretty good idea. You mentioned Field Day, so I thought I would share my expiriences with Field Day. This last Field Day was my first ever. I have been a ham for about 9 months and am a General class licencee. I have read about field day and heard about it quite a bit, so when I got the chance to go to one, I was very excited. I went with the Jefferson County Amateur Radio club, and we operated as a 3A WWA from an old army base, Fort Worden, on top of an old radar sight. We had a great time putting up antennas on Friday, in preparation for the contest. I learned more about antenna theory and practicible ideas for putting them up in that one afternoon than I have in all my life! It was ham radio at warp speed, and very thrilling. The highlight of that day was when we tried out the antennas, and I got a 599 from Finland on 20 meter CW! I was so excited, it was hard to get to sleep, even after a long day putting up antennas. The next day, we started right at the first minute of contest, and got out into everywhere! The novice station was pulling them in from the east coast on 10 meters, working on an 80 meter loop, and the QSOs were coming so fast and thick, it was hard to log them quickly enough to keep up! At one point, our operater on 20 meters was up to 66 QSOs per hour on CW, and the novice was going even faster on 10 meter voice. It was so exciting, I went around to all the different operating positions, and tried my hand at most of them. In the evening, things started to slow down a bit, and we were more occupied looking for dupes than anything else. "That's a dupe, old man." was the most commonly heard remark. Things started to get tricky when everyone was so tired, they would forget whos callsign we were using, in the middle of a CQ. Well, I don't know how we made it through the night without doing anything really terrible, but when the sun shot up over the hills, we were still plugging away. I was so tired, I would fall asleep just logging, inbetween QSO's. When the contest finally ended, we were all tired, but very happy. I went home and slept for 13 hours right away, and they tell me I was acting rather strange that night, kept muttering didididahdah didah...... well, I think Field Day is an EXCELLENT activity, and I wish they had it EVERY MONTH!!! 73 de Randy KB7ZJZ @ KB7WE.#WWA.WA.USA.NOAM Final Note: Thank you for reading Youthnet NEWS edition 006. Youthnet NEWS is available via the Internet news groups under Rec.Radio.Info, and Rec.Radio.misc. For more information, or for a news release to be aired, please send me a note to my E-mail or packet address, and include any specific information, and contact information. If you have not yet seen Youthnet NEWS ed. 005, I might be able to explain. The reason Youthnet NEWS 006 is in parts is to keep the packet forwarding system happy. If any message exceeds a certain amount, it will not be forwarded. Additionally, I need help in passing these bulletins around the world. Unfortunately, that is not possible any more, due to amount of extraordinary and unclear messages sent world wide. I am looking for other hams who may want to receive this bulletin on different continents, so I can forward it to them, and have them forward it to their own area. If you would like to do this for me, please send me a message, and wait for further instructions. DO NOT forward this message via packet with out first notifying me (I do not want any double bulletins to be forwarded at the same time). Thank you again for reading Youthnet NEWS ed. 006. And I would like to thank you all for your comments and contributions. And all of the birthday cards you have sent. 73's DE Alex N9KYJ Youthnet NEWS